
ChuckNorrisreturnsforthefinalchapteroftheMissinginActionseriesasColonelJamesBraddock.ThistimeBraddockreturnstoVietnaminsearchofhis ...,ColonelJamesBraddockisbackinVietnam,thistimefightinghisownpersonalwar,ashegoesintorescuethesonhe'snevermetfromaruthlessVie…,Braddock:MissinginActionIII:DirectedbyAaronNorris.WithChuckNorris,AkiAleong,RolandHarrahIII,MikiKim.Braddockmountsaone-manassaultto ...,M...

Braddock Missing in Action 3

Chuck Norris returns for the final chapter of the Missing in Action series as Colonel James Braddock. This time Braddock returns to Vietnam in search of his ...


Colonel James Braddock is back in Vietnam, this time fighting his own personal war, as he goes in to rescue the son he's never met from a ruthless Vie…


Braddock: Missing in Action III: Directed by Aaron Norris. With Chuck Norris, Aki Aleong, Roland Harrah III, Miki Kim. Braddock mounts a one-man assault to ...

Watch Braddock

More than about the war, this film starts by revealing the personal life of Braddock. Learning such special information about his Vietnamese wife, ...

Watch Braddock: Missing in Action III

HD. Chuck Norris returns to Vietnam in this sequel that pits him against an evil General while trying to save the wife he thought to be dead.